Saturday, November 22, 2008

Academically Challenged

Now I have never been a math whiz and probably never will be But going through the grades it just keeps getting harder. I am in 8th grade math but should be in algebra 1. I was doing great at the beginning of the year until....hhhmmmm, ok ,it has been along time since I remember doing well. I just keep failing and failing and not getting it. I would go in for help and still not get it. Well I got a math tutor who is excellent! I thought my mom was crazy,but eventually after being grounded, going to tutoring 4 two hours and every chance I got, is finally paying off gradually. I have been exhausted from homework, chores, that I having been slacking on, tutoring and basketball practice I thought there was no way out and that the world was never going to stop spinning But God has proven me wrong and finally answered my prayers and has given me rest. My grades are getting better in math, I made my first A on my math test yesterday!! So...see....being a teenager doesn't always mean you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Just ask God to help take some off And it gradually gets lighter. I try to remember that God gives me these challenges because he knows I can achieve them Even if it takes a while. Just give it time and keep believing.


Covered In HIS Dust said...

So....maybe math isn't your gift....but you can manage it thru school. God has given you many other gifts. The gift of writing...being able to tell stories and put your thoughts and words down on paper to share with others. - God has provided you a tutor for a reason and it may not be just for math ...God is always good and NEVER makes mistakes! Always try your best and that is all you can do. Papaw always told me when I was a little girl ..."do your best ....try your hardest ....and whatever you become the best you can .... from a dishwasher, street sweeper to a brain surgeon...just do and be the best you can at what you do."
Remember God doesn't bring you TO IT without bringing you THRU IT! You are an awesome grand-daughter and I am proud of you and love you very much!
mimi =)

Covered In HIS Dust said...

The sermon today at church reminded me of what you had written. I was about Nehemiah. He was a cupbearer to the king.He tasted the wine incase it was poisoned. doesn't sound like a very good job does it?.... Nehemiah had to be a person that was really faithful - the king probably had a tremendous amount of trust in him..... so this was a pretty big position in the royal court.

Nehemiah did an awesome job and the king trusted him and sometimes he (the king) would ask Nehemiah for his opinion on certain important things.

I am saying all of this Ali, to say this ...Nehemiah was a servant to the king ...... tested his food and drink .... to make sure it was OK to drink.... so..if the food and wine WASN'T safe who would die?....Nehemiah! anyway....he went from this job to rebuilding Jerusalem!!!!! an awesome...most terrific...very important job!
You know why? Because these are some of the qualities Nehemiah had:
1. had a sense of mission
2. was willing to get involved
3. rearraned his priorities in order to accomplish his goal
4. he waited paiently for God's timing
5. he showed respect to his superiors
6. prayed at crucial times
7. went thru the proper channels
8. he did not argue
9. he was not discouraged by opposition (problems)
10. displayed God's confidence in facing problems

His greatness came from asking great things of a Great God and attempting great things in relying on him.

Don't let people and things (problems) discourage you...keep your eyes on God and HE will lead you. You can trust HIM and rely on God to do Great things for the kingdom! =) love you sweetie..... mimi